

Hospital opens in Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte. Power is generated by a Pelton Wheel at a nearby creek. 


Three different companies proposed railways to transport coal from Yaaguun Gándlee to the ocean. 

1911 — 1916

Coal is drilled along Yaaguun Gándlee by William Barton for the New York Metropolitan Trust Company. 


Canada’s McKenna-McBride Royal Commission hear from Haida testifiers who stand firm on the Haida Nation’s Rights and Title to Haida Gwaii. 

1913 — 1915

The colonial state of BC begins exploring for oil, the first test wells are developed at Tian Bay, Haida Gwaii by BC Oilfields Limited. 


In response to the McKenna-McBride Commission, numerous Indigenous Nations organize the Allied Tribes of BC to pursue legal cases on Indigenous Rights and Title. Haida citizen Peter Kelly serves as both President and Treasurer.


The Allied Tribes formally reject the McKenna- McBride findings. The McKenna-McBride Royal Commission has a significant impact to Indigenous reserve lands in what is known as BC. 


Canada amends their Indian Act, making it illegal for Indigenous Peoples to obtain funds or legal counsel for the purpose of pursuing Aboriginal Title.

Valine Brown